Tag Archives: guns

Enough Is Enough (or I Don’t Know What To Write)

I have written about school shootings and other mass shootings a few times here. I don’t like to write about it because I don’t know what to say that hasn’t been said. And I have been lucky because I haven’t been personally affected by a shooting or have had any friends or family in one. There have been close calls, such as a friend who was supposed to be at the Las Vegas music festival but had to stay home because they were sick. But at this point, being in my situation is a rarity.

And every time there is a shooting, we seem to repeat the same pattern. So many people say they want common sense gun reform such as making sure that people who buy guns are mentally stable and of age (similar to what is required to drive a car) or banning assault rifles. And banning assault rifles isn’t something new. This was the policy until it expired. And after it expired, the number of mass shootings increased so much. I will admit I didn’t quite understand why assault rifles were so much worse than regular guns as I’m not a gun owner. But this interactive article from the Washington Post details how injuries from these guns differ.

And then there are some people and politicians who feel like a mass shooting means we need more guns or believe that any policies on gun ownership are against the second amendment. The second amendment also says that it should be within a well-regulated militia. I think being well-regulated should mean that guns are not a free for all and are regulated. And we’ve seen shootings where there are others at that location with a gun and it’s been proven that a good guy with a gun does not mean they could stop a shooting. Some people who have guns are not trained and they could cause additional deaths or injuries. We’ve seen examples of school shootings where armed security on campus didn’t stop things or when dozens of police officers are just sitting and waiting while a gunman is inside causing damage. I don’t know if they were waiting because they were scared or if they felt there was another reason why they shouldn’t help, but if having dozens of trained professionals with guns doesn’t stop the deaths, I don’t know how even more guns would help. I’ve heard people say we need 4-5 armed security officers at every school to keep kids safe, but who is going to pay for that? Schools don’t have money to buy supplies or have a full staff, so where will these millions or billions come from? The people who say that will say anything other than common sense gun control, even though it appears the majority of the country wants that.

And I understand that not everyone with a gun is a risky person. There are people who keep their guns locked up and not in the reach of anyone who shouldn’t have it. And those people tend to agree about putting in regulations to keep everyone safer. If someone has a mental illness where they seem to want to do harm to others or if they have a violent history such as domestic violence, I don’t feel like they should have free access to guns and most people I know agree with me. And if someone is a gun owner and they don’t properly store those guns and minors get access to them, I think those parents should have some sort of penalty for that. To me, these seem so basic.

I don’t know if I will ever understand the people who feel like gun deaths mean that we need more guns. Or those who say it’s a mental health issue and not a gun issue but they vote for politicians who want to restrict mental health access. I also don’t agree that it’s just a mental health issue. Mental health is not exclusive to this country, but no other country has shootings as frequently as we do. This is an issue with multiple reasons, and if we refuse to fix just one of them then the issue will continue. If we only help with mental health but still give free access to guns for all, shootings will still happen. And if the regulations are only limited to certain states, this will not help either. People use mass shootings in states with regulations as an example of why those regulations don’t work. But when you look into the weapons used in those incidents, often they were acquired legally in another state and they brought them in.

I feel like I am writing what everyone is saying and not adding anything new to the conversation. But I also don’t want to be a silent bystander when this has become so overwhelming. Sending kids to school shouldn’t be considered risky behavior. Kids shouldn’t have to do active shooter drills just like we do earthquake or fire drills. I’ve heard from friends about how things like light-up shoes are too risky for their kids to wear to school because if they are hiding from a shooter they might be discovered. I do have hope that maybe there will be a change in the future as the generations that grew up with these fears start to vote and run for political office. But it also shouldn’t be up to them to change things when we have the ability to change them now.

We Need To Make A Change (or I Just Don’t Have The Words)

I’ve started and deleted this post dozens of times. This week there was another school shooting. I’ve written about gun violence on here before, and since that most recent post over 2 years ago we’ve had dozens of school shootings and nothing has changed. Honestly, I don’t know what I could write that hasn’t been said every single time there is a shooting.

It’s nice that politicians want to offer thoughts and prayers, but since they believe in supporting the NRA more than supporting what citizens want as far as gun control I really don’t care about their thoughts and prayers. A majority of Americans believe in universal background checks, not allowing those on the Do Not Fly list to have weapons, banning assault rifles, not allowing people with a history of domestic violence or mental illness to have guns, and to stop the sales of high quantity ammunition. But even though a majority of Americans want those things to happen, certain politicians feel like it would be wrong to prevent anyone (no matter their violent or mental health history) from owning how ever many guns they want.

Since the rights and ideas of the NRA are more important than the rights and ideas of citizens right now, I doubt anything will change. If having children shot in an elementary school couldn’t convince politicians that change needs to happen, I don’t know what will. And I understand that having some gun control regulations won’t stop all mass shootings, but they will stop many of them. The shooter this week had a history of mental illness and even posted on YouTube that he was going to become a school shooter. Yet he was still allowed to get a gun and the FBI did nothing about the warning they got from someone alerting them to the comment.

There are also some politicians who say that we need to respect the victims and survivors and not politicize this tragedy and at a later date mental health and gun violence can be discussed. But the students who survived this shooting are telling people to politicize this because they know change needs to happen. They know that if it doesn’t happen now, it will be forgotten and nothing will be accomplished. That’s what happened after Sandy Hook and Las Vegas. We were called rude and heartless for saying something needs to be changed after those tragedies. The Las Vegas shooting wasn’t even 5 months ago and people have forgotten about it because so many other horrible things have happened.

This is not ok. All shootings are horrible, but school shootings are just heart wrenching. I remember after Columbine (which happened when I was in high school) how scary it was and that was the only school shooting I was aware of. I was scared, but I also believed that it couldn’t happen to me because it was so rare. But now it seems like there are school shootings every week. There are some inflated numbers by how many shootings there have been in 2018, but the low number that even conservative news is using is that this is the 5th school shooting in 2018. There have only been 5 or 6 weeks of school in 2018 so far so that is about 1 school shooting a week. Why do some politicians think this is ok?

So many of my friends with kids have had to bring them to school after a shooting when their kid was terrified that they would be shot at school. I can’t imagine how horrible that would be. I remember after Sandy Hook being at a friend’s house and watching the news while her kids were playing. Watching them play while knowing that kids the same age were killed while at school that day broke my heart. I don’t know how you could have the strength to explain to a kid that they should be safe at school when you have no clue what will happen. Or how terrified you would be if you heard that there was a shooting in your city and you weren’t sure if your kid was ok. I wish no parent had to have that feeling anymore, but sadly I know that won’t be true.

I really don’t know what else I can say about this situation. And while I feel helpless, there are ways to help. The group Everytown has shared ideas of what to do to make sure we have politicians that will honor what the majority of the country wants in terms of gun control.

No matter what your political viewpoint is, hopefully you agree that gun violence is out of control. There are steps that can help reduce it that are not being implemented because the NRA doesn’t want them to happen. We cannot let the NRA determine what is best for everyone when a majority disagrees. And we cannot allow politicians to get away with claiming how gun control is getting rid of all guns. I know responsible gun owners and they agree that gun control is needed. It shouldn’t be easier to get a gun than it is to drive a car. If you are deemed a violent risk to be on an airplane, you shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun to use on the ground. If you have a history of hitting your spouse or partner, you shouldn’t have a gun so the next time you get violent you can kill them.

I agree with Everytown when they said we don’t have to live like this and we don’t have to die like this. We have the power to make a change if we are willing to take it.


What Is Happening? (or Why I Support Black Lives Matter)

At the time I’m writing this post, there have been 2 black men killed by police (Alton Sterling and Philando Castile) in the past 2 days and 4 cops who were shot at a peaceful protest about those killings. Honestly, I don’t know what to write about this but I can’t stay quiet.

All of the killings recently have hit me so hard. I saw the videos of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile online and was just shocked by what I saw. I don’t watch violent things usually and these videos were some of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen. I am impressed at Lavish Reynolds (the girlfriend of Philando Castile) who was able to stay calm and film what was happening so that the world could see what happened in that car. Some of my friends posted about how the police violence isn’t new, it’s just the fact that everyone has cameras now that allows us all to see what’s happening. That may very well be the truth and we can’t turn a blind eye to it.

I’m not trying to say that all cops are bad. I know cops who are very good people and I understand that they do put their lives on the line every day and that can be scary. But for a cop to feel it necessary to shoot a man point-blank in the chest multiple times while they are on top of him because they believe he has a gun in his back pocket (which he can’t get to because you are holding him down) is ridiculous. Police are supposed to enforce the rules but they aren’t supposed to also be the judge, jury, and executioner for the people they stop.

I know that many members of various police forces are speaking out about this violence and saying that it is not necessary. They are showing so many examples of where white men who are either pointing a gun at the police or shooting at them are able to be stopped without dying. Sometimes those men are shot, but never multiple rounds at point-blank.

I’m embarrassed to admit that many years ago I questioned if the men who were killed by police did do something wrong. That changed with Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, but especially with Tamir Rice. I saw that surveillance footage of Tamir Rice and was disgusted. I can’t believe that the cops shot a child within seconds of arriving to a 911 call where someone thought he might have a fake gun and after they shot him they didn’t think to do any lifesaving measures. Seeing that made me realize that these shootings aren’t because the victims did something that made them so high risk that the police had to shoot them to protect others, these shootings were because the police were scared or acting irrational.

I remember seeing this amazing tweet last year which really made everything clear to me.

Black Lives Matter

I’ve been so mad for years hearing people question my friends who were sexually assaulted or raped saying that maybe they shouldn’t have worn whatever they were wearing and then they wouldn’t have been raped. For the record, my friends who have been attacked have been wearing things like a pajama set (a man came and raped her in the room she was sleeping in), jeans and a t-shirt, a dress at a black tie event, and maxi skirt with a tank top. The men who raped them would have done it no matter what. So victim-blaming them doesn’t do them any good.

It’s the same with all of these incidents. I have friends who are raising young black men and they have had to tell their sons for years that to prevent being shot by police they need to obey no matter what. But then when Philando Castile was doing just that in getting his ID from his wallet as the officer told him to do, he was shot and killed. What are mothers and fathers supposed to tell their kids now to not be shot during a routine traffic stop?

When I was starting to write this post, it was just going to be about the shootings and how I just don’t know what to say about things. And as I started writing, the news from Dallas came out where snipers were killing cops at a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest. I don’t believe that the snipers are a part of the protest but decided to take advantage of a situation and perhaps try to get the blame landed on the group.

But Black Lives Matter is not about only caring about the safety and lives of black Americans. It is saying that black lives matter just as much as white lives and that needs to be recognized. It’s like the example I saw on Facebook today:

Bob Deserves Food

Nobody is saying black lives matter more than others, they just want them to be recognized the same way as others. Nobody is asking for privilege, they are asking for the privilege to go away and for equality to exist. This needs to happen. There have been too many shootings, too many attacks, and too many parents scared for the lives of their children.

This is not just a bad police issue, this is a humanity issue. And I want to see the change happen within my lifetime so I know that my friends and family who are scared every day can finally feel safe in their lives.