Convention Prep and Recovery (or Sorry For The Short Post)

Yesterday was the end of my union’s convention, and I will be writing a lot more about this tomorrow. But I made it through and it was an interesting weekend for sure!

I’m honestly exhausted (which is why this is going to be a short post), but I did a lot of my preparation for convention differently this year. I’m used to planning to be in a ballroom for hours each day, so I have a bag of stuff I need with me. I usually prepare to have whatever I might end up needing. This time, I was at home for the entire thing. I didn’t feel ready in a way because I didn’t do my prep work the same way. And even though I was home, sitting at home looking at a screen is tiring. I know that from working too. I don’t know if I prepped enough to be good with doing a virtual convention, but I did my best.

And I had some extra responsibilities this year. I was asked to be a part of a convention committee that is about tracking credentials. In past conventions, this would mean we would decide if someone who might have missed the cutoff to sign back in to vote could vote. But with a virtual convention, we didn’t have a signing in and out, so we didn’t have a lot to do. But I still had to go to a meeting to be prepared for what may come up. I hope I will be asked to be on this committee again in the future because I would love to be a part of it when there is decision-making to be done, but I was honored to be asked to be one of the few committee members this year.

I have a lot of thoughts about how the convention went this year, but I’ll share more about that in tomorrow’s post. I need to sit with my thoughts a bit and also decompress from the event. Even with it being virtual, I’m so tired and I know I need to rest and recover.

But I wanted to make sure I shared that I made it through the convention and that I am proud of so much of what happened. But I’ll write more about that tomorrow once I’ve gotten some sleep and can really think back on the weekend properly.

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