Time For Another Medical Mystery (or Hoping To Figure Out What’s Wrong)

I feel like I’m generally a decently healthy person. I have a few different ongoing medical issues, but most of those are caused by things out of my control. My hip issues are due to a birth defect that was discovered when I was in my 20s. My liver issues are due to a one-in-a-million side effect from birth control. And my autoimmune issues are things that I have no control over, although I’m trying to manage them. But I do seem to get many random health things that happen to me or I find out something is going on when I’m trying to get information about something else. I don’t have a lot of things that randomly happen that I seek medical attention for specifically.

But for the past month, I’ve been dealing with some very intense foot pain. But this seems so odd because I would expect foot pain to be on the bottom or side of my foot, or even in my toes. But this is pain on the top of my foot. The closest thing I can think of is when you tie your shoes too tight and you feel that pressure on the top of your foot. But for me, it’s a sharp and intense pain that comes and goes depending on how I flex my foot. And I have no idea what caused it.

I have been trying to cut back on things that might make the pain worse. I haven’t been picketing because walking has been painful. I have been careful with some specific exercises in my workouts because I noticed that doing things that have me on my toes makes it worse. And I’ve been trying to rest in the hopes that I could make this pain go away on its own. I figured I might have done something to cause a really deep bruise or something, so rest would be the best way to manage it.

I gave it a month, and things haven’t gotten any better. In some ways, I think the pain has actually gotten worse. I’m glad it hasn’t migrated to another part of my foot, but I’m experiencing those sharp jolts more often. And it’s starting to affect my sleep and wake me up if I move and flex my foot the wrong way. So I knew I needed to do something about it.

I finally started the process of getting this pain figured out. I had a video appointment with a doctor last week to get a referral to a specialist. In my video appointment, I put the camera down so they could see my foot and they had me show where the pain was and what seemed to make it flare up. I knew I wouldn’t get a diagnosis over a video appointment, but they said that it was likely a tendon or ligament issue. There’s a small chance there is a fracture in one of the bones on the top of my foot, but very unlikely.

I got my referral to the specialist, but I haven’t heard back from them yet so I don’t know when my next appointment will be happening. But I’m hoping it will be somewhat soon so I can start figuring out how to make this pain go away. However, I did start the diagnostic testing after my first video appointment. All I’ve done so far is a series of x-rays. They did multiple views of my foot so hopefully, if it’s something that can be caught on an x-ray, they will see it and be able to tell me what it is. I don’t know if I’ll need to do more tests, like an MRI, but I guess I’ll find that out when I have my next appointment.

In some weird way, I’m lucky that I deal with pain already on a regular basis. This new pain isn’t affecting my life too much since I already have to do so much to manage pain normally. But it’s still frustrating when something new pops up and I have to work on figuring out what’s happening. And hopefully, this is something super minor and I’m overreacting. But knowing my history, I could also be dealing with another random and rare situation and I’ll be going down another weird medical rabbit hole to figure out what’s happening and how to take care of it.

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