Tag Archives: trip

Getting Ready For Next Month (or Broadway Here We Come!)

Saturday was a day that was pretty much spent at home with my parents. My high school friend, Jackie, came over with her son to see Tucker (and her little son was pretty traumatized by Tucker since Tucker was trying to kiss him every minute). It was a fast visit, but a nice one. Jackie is expecting her 2nd baby in about 2 months and I’m excited for her and her husband (they are waiting until the baby is born to find out if it’s a boy or a girl).

After Jackie and her son left, my brother and sister-in-law came over. They came by to hang out and have a family dinner, but Krystle and I had a lot of planning to do. Our trip to New York is in about a month and besides having our flights and hotel booked, we had nothing else done!

And since Saturday was the only time that she and I would be in the same place at the same time before the trip, we tried to get as much done as possible.

In planning the trip, Krystle decided that I should plan what Broadway shows we should go to and she would plan what restaurants we would go to. We both want to see “Book Of Mormon”, but those tickets are so crazy expensive! We have a date in mind to see the show and we might take a chance on the ticket lottery, but we might just have to suck it up and pay the full price (which is like $150 a ticket!).

But we did get great prices on the 3 other Broadway shows we are going to see. We got tickets for “Cinderella”, “Matilda”, and “Heathers” (which my friend AJ is in!). All of those tickets were under $100 each so I think that was a pretty good deal.

We also did some planning on what we want to do during the day while we are out in New York. We did some investigating on the hop on hop off bus options and managed to find one that has our hotel as a stop. We haven’t gotten tickets for it yet, but I’m sure we will. We also have some plans to do some shopping and see a museum or two.

Exactly a month from today, we leave for the trip (both of us are taking red-eye flights and will be arriving early the next morning). I’m a little nervous about the flight. I don’t sleep too well on planes, and that flight is pretty much going to have to count as my night’s sleep. I don’t like taking medicine to help me sleep, but I might do some research and find something that I can take this one time so I won’t be exhausted on my first day of the trip (which is the day we are going to see a matinée of “Cinderella”).

I’m so beyond excited for this trip and I know that Krystle is too. I just can’t wait for the next month to fly by so I can go on my adventure!

Countdown To Saturday (or I’m Actually Excited To Get On A Plane)

Saturday is when I go home to see my family. I have a few days off of work so I’ll get to be home for 5 days this time!

While I’m typically panicky and nervous to get on a plane, there are so many things to look forward to on this trip that I’m actually feeling pretty good about this flight (I’m still going to take my panic meds no matter what).

I get to spend time with my parents. I might go with my mom when she gets blood work done so if I do I’ll get to meet some of the nurses and doctors who are involved in my mom’s treatment (I really hope to be able to do that). I’ll make a couple of trips to the gym with my dad, which is a tradition that we always do when I’m home.

I’ll get to see my brother and sister-in-law on Christmas. My family doesn’t celebrate Christmas, so the date is coincidental (it’s a day that both my brother and sister-in-law have off of work). I’m bringing their Hanukkah presents with me, so I’ll get to give them their presents in person instead of shipping them (a rare treat).

A couple of my friends that I grew up with are planning on coming over to my parents’ house while I’m home. We are still working on scheduling, but even if I only get to see one friend while I’m home that will be special.

Hopefully, Dante will hold out until Saturday so I can see him again. It’s hard to tell how he’s doing. My parents tell me that he’s not losing weight (thanks to him eating lots of people food) and sometimes he’s able to go out for his usual walks. But he’s sleeping more than usual and gets very tired easily. But Dante is very excited for the puppy (he has a pretty extensive vocabulary and really does understand lots of things we tell him).

And of course, I’m super excited for Chaucer to get to my parents’ house! It still doesn’t seem real that my parents are getting him. I don’t know if it will seem real until we know exactly what day he’s coming home (or maybe not until he gets home). I’m so lucky that I’m going to be home when Chaucer is supposed to come home. Otherwise I might not get to meet the puppy for several months.

Keeping all these positive things in mind is helping keep my panic at bay for now. I’m sure on Friday I’ll be taking my medicine as usual. But it’s nice to have so much to look forward to!

Off On An Adventure (or It’s Hawaii Time!)

Most likely, as you are reading this, I’m on a flight headed to Maui right now. I’ll be there for the next week for my brother’s wedding.

I had a bunch of goals connected to this event. I really wanted to lose a lot of weight, but that didn’t happen. I did lose weight, but nowhere near the amount I wanted to lose.

But you know what? I don’t really care. At this is the first time that I’m not devastated about missing a goal. I’ve done so much good stuff for my body lately that the number on the scale isn’t the be all end all for me anymore (I still weigh myself obsessively, but I don’t focus as much on the number).

I’m excited to spend this next week with a lot of my family. Besides the actual wedding, there will be plenty of other times that I’ll get to hang out with family that I don’t get to see that often.

I’m a little nervous about spending a lot of time in a bathing suit (I wonder if I will ever feel comfortable in one). I’m also nervous about the ocean. I hate swimming in the ocean. I have a fear of any creatures that live in there (even the fish). But I’m hoping to at least try to swim in the ocean, but I’m not going to force myself to do it if I start to get panicky.

But I’m super excited for getting out-of-town and recharging my batteries some more. I got a taste of that during my weekend in Tahoe, but I can’t remember the last time I was away from LA for more than a long weekend. I will be posting on here every day as usual, but besides that I will be trying to stay away from the internet and social media as much as I normally do. It’s so easy to be on vacation and spend the whole time with your face in your phone. I want to focus on the experience of my trip. I don’t get to do things that like that often and I want to fully take advantage of it!

My next post will be from Hawaii!