Tag Archives: driving

Carmageddon 2 (or I’ll Be The Idiot Driving All Over Town This Weekend)

For those of you not in LA, this weekend is the second, and hopefully last, Carmageddon. Carmaggedon is when the 405 freeway is shut down from the 10 to the 101. If you want to know more, you can read about it here.

Last Carmageddon, I was good and stayed in my neighborhood all weekend. I only drove a bit locally because I had some errands to run. This Carmageddon, I’m going to be all over town.

I have work on Saturday. I have to take the 10 freeway to get there, but I go right over the 405 on ramps, so that might be a total mess. I’m staying at my work to see a show that afternoon, just so put off driving home a little bit.

Then on Saturday night, it’s my friend Marie’s bachelorette party. Her party is in the valley, which will be a tough drive from where I live on the westside. I’m making sure my iPhone is loaded up with podcasts to listen to just in case the drive takes a really really long time. But I’d never miss Marie’s bachelorette party. Marie and I met in an acting class in 2002 and she was the one who introduced me to my acting coach, Kip King, who I studied with until he passed away. She was one of my first friends I met in LA outside of LMU, and I couldn’t be happier that she’s getting married!


And then on Sunday, I’ve got two events. First is a blogger meet up organized by Lynn from The Actor’s Diet. That’s going to be near the Farmer’s Market, so at least I won’t be needing a freeway to get there. Then it’s the LMU Alumni BBQ. I volunteered to help out before I realized that it would be a driving disaster weekend. My hope is that this Carmageddon will be done early like the one last year so maybe the freeways will be open by the time I’m leaving the BBQ.

If not, it’s a good thing that I love my car. I’ll be spending a lot of time in it for the next few days.

My New Driver License (or It’s the End to That Cliffhanger)

I had previously blogged about having to get a new driver license and a new picture to go with it. I was nervous how the new picture would look because I actually loved my old picture.

Yesterday in the mail, I got my new license, and I have to say, the picture isn’t too bad.

I’m happy I’m smiling and I don’t look like I’m mid sneeze or anything. I did find it weird that it looks like I have full bangs when I only have side swept bangs, but I’m super happy with my hair color (thanks to my friend Erin who does my hair).

I’m so glad that I’ve gotten my photo and I can stop stressing about what the picture would look like. Right now, I’ve got a lot to focus on with getting everything taken care of from the car accident.

Just to update you all, my car is in the shop and they’ve started to take my car apart to find everything that needs to be fixed. I got a rental car, but I’m switching to a new rental car because my current one smells like cigarette smoke. And I’m feeling bruised and sore, but all my bruises seem to be deep so my skin isn’t black and blue. That’s something I’m happy about because I don’t want to spend my birthday looking like I got beat up!

Letting Go (or Why I Want to Keep a 14 Year Old Driver License Photo)

The current photo on my driver license is the original photo from my first driver license. But that picture is even older than that! The picture is actually from when I passed my learners permit test! So when I got my renewal notice recently and found out I had to do a new picture, I was pretty upset.

First of all, I love my picture on my license! I look cute, happy, and I was thinner back then.


I still know exactly what shirt I’m wearing (my “Peter Pan” cast t-shirt). I had to do a new passport photo earlier this year, and I hate my new picture. I think part of the reason is that you can’t smile in passport photos, but still, that’s not the point.

Getting a new license photo for the first time since I was 15 is tough. And I know it’s because I still want to think that I’m that 15 year old girl and I can fix all the times I’ve screwed up in my life. I want to still be able to tell myself then that I wasn’t so horribly fat. I could get the body I want so easily. Instead, here I am, with over 100 pounds to lose.

So today, I’m going to try to look super cute, do my makeup really nicely, and wear a cute top. Because I want to remember that this photo is at the beginning of what I hope will be an amazing journey.