While every month is exciting for me now because it’s the start of a new monthly challenge for me, this month is extra exciting because it’s the start of my birthday month! I don’t have any grand plans for my birthday this year, but that actually fits with what my monthly challenge is this month. But first, a quick recap of my monthly challenge from last month.
I did a bit of a cheat last month and used the monthly challenge to work on something I had already started but wasn’t focusing on the way I had hoped. I wanted to spend the month working on the Brain Over Binge course and following the schedule the way it was set. While I had been doing all of the lessons, listening to all the different lectures, and filling out the worksheets; I wasn’t doing them throughout the week. I had been doing them in one or two days and just fitting all the lessons back to back. My challenge was to try to spread them out the way they were intended to be done.
Well, that didn’t quite work out for me. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do that, but my schedule just isn’t in a place right now to let me do that. I think I underestimated how much time my union election work would take and there were plenty of days where I wouldn’t have time to even watch tv to try to decompress a bit. I started to stress myself out a bit that I wasn’t able to follow the schedule and then I realized that doing the lessons in one day isn’t the worst thing. The most important thing is that I’m doing them. And since I am downloading all the work, I can do it again with the spread-out schedule when my time isn’t as crazy.
Since I know this month is going to be just as crazy with union election work, I didn’t want to set myself up for failure with a big monthly challenge. But I still wanted something fun for my birthday month. And when I was listening to a podcast last week, I was inspired by something the hosts were saying about why they didn’t like the idea of having fancy dishes that you never used. Every day should feel like a celebration and you shouldn’t fear using nice things because it doesn’t feel like a special enough day.
So for my birthday month, I want to celebrate every single day. Every day is special and deserves to be recognized. I don’t know exactly how I will celebrate every day, but I will not let myself think that I shouldn’t do something because it is not a special enough day. If someone wants to go out for a fun dinner, I won’t say no because it’s a Tuesday or that I don’t feel fancy. I’ll celebrate that we are going out. I want to be in a celebratory mindset for this month and hopefully for beyond that.
I know this isn’t the biggest challenge and it really doesn’t require much for me to accomplish it, but it seems very fitting for my birthday month and it seems like something that would be a good thing to have as a part of my life. I shouldn’t be putting things on hold or hoping for the right time to do something. If I want to do something and have the ability to do so, I should do it. And that’s what I plan on doing this month.