Monthly Archives: April 2014

Double Date Saturday (or Why I Love Dog Sitting)

This past Saturday was a pretty busy day. It started with my awesome spin class experience. After that class, I was ready to spend a bit of time relaxing (and making sure that I didn’t need to take any painkillers).

Then on Saturday evening, I had a fun evening out with my friend Woody (the bartender on “How I Met Your Mother” for the last few seasons). Woody was also the person I went to see the awesome show at The Geffen with last year. Anyway, when I was working telesales at my old job, I won a lot of free tickets for having the best sales numbers in multiple categories. There was a series of shows of Broadway stars at my work, so I got a pair of tickets to each one. Another friend of mine was supposed to go with me, but then she had to go out-of-town to work at the last-minute. So Woody became my new date for the evening.

We saw Adam Pascal (from the original cast of “Rent”). It was an amazing show. And I lucked out by getting amazing seats (we were in box seats pretty much on top of the stage). Woody and I had an awesome time at the show, but it was even better to just get to hang out with a friend!

It was a little weird to be back at my old work, but I got over it quickly. Everyone was happy to see me and many of them didn’t know that I’ll be coming back soon to work in the box office. The awesomeness of the show definitely outweighed the weirdness of being back.

After the show, I hung out chatting with Woody for a while, but I had to leave before it got too late. I was dog sitting that evening for my friend Erin, and basically had an overnight date with her dog.

I’ve dog sat a bunch in the past for Erin. It’s always a fun time because her dog is a very cuddly dog. He insists on sleeping right next to me and he always has to have at least one paw touching my skin (not through my clothes, but directly on my skin).

I got to Erin’s house pretty late, so as soon as I got there, I got ready for bed (Erin had other friends who walked the dog earlier in the day so I only had to be there overnight). The dog was by my side the entire evening.


I’m not normally a fan of sleeping next to a dog (it’s not something that was allowed when I was growing up), but how can you resist this face?!?

I pretty much just slept there and spent a little playtime in the morning with the dog. Very easy work. Plus, since I haven’t seen Tucker in forever (and might not get to see him again until Thanksgiving), this helps with missing my puppy! I have to get my dog fix in somehow and dog sitting really is a good way!

Gaining Confidence (or How Spin And My New Job Are Going Along The Same Path)

Things are continuing to go well with the new job. I’m getting more and more work done each day and my work continues to get better. I’m getting more information from each lawyer that I’m speaking to and I’m getting more comfortable talking to them as well.

I’m super excited about this progress. I’m not where I need to be yet, but my boss is extremely happy about how much better I’m getting each day. On our phone call at the end of my shift yesterday, he even told me that I earned my first bonus. I get a bonus if a person I talk to meets the qualifications for the job I’m searching for. I have to get each piece of information to confirm that. And yesterday, I did it! This doesn’t mean the person is going to interview for the job opening. But I found a perfect candidate. In the future, my bonus might be something more like a percentage of the salary if we get someone in a new job. But since that can take up to a year, right now I just get a little bonus for each exact candidate I find. The amount of the bonus hasn’t been decided on yet (I don’t think my boss expected me to earn one already), but it will be something similar to an extra hour of pay.

While I’m making good progress at work, I’m also making good progress in spin class. You may remember that I just tried doing some of the standing on the bike work recently and discovered that I could do it for a portion of a song. I’m still building on that progress, but I took another big step this past weekend.

Not only did I stand on the bike during the hill portion (like I did the past time), I did it multiple times in class and was able to do several of the dance moves on the bike. Even the instructor, Heather, seemed to notice that I was doing more standing than I had before.

The best part about that particular class was in the morning, I didn’t feel like working out (I slept really badly and was dealing with weird hip pain). But since it was too late to cancel the class without being charged for it, I went anyway. And it ended up being such a great thing for me.

I also burned a lot of calories in 45 minutes.


All this good stuff happening to me is really helping me stay more positive and keep looking forward to more progress in my life. The next step is to go back to my old work and work in the box office. That will be on the same days that I do my recruiting work. I’ll just do one in the morning and one in the afternoon/evening.

But that hustle will get me to a point where I’m making enough to pay all my bills again. And I need that because my taxes were just done and I owe a little bit!

Guess I’m back to the grind in more ways than one.