Monthly Archives: August 2013

Life Updates (or Some Of What’s Going On)

Today, I’ve decided to update you all on a couple of little things going on in my life.

First of all, the most recent car accident I’ve had. I haven’t gotten my car fixed, or even gotten an estimate. I’m hoping to do that sometime in the next few weeks. I haven’t decided if I’m going to fix it at all. It doesn’t look horrible, and right now I don’t have the money for the deductible (I could get it together in time, I just don’t know if that’s a priority for me right now).

Also, I’ve finally decided what I’m going to wear to my brother’s wedding. I’m nowhere near the weight loss goal I had for myself, but that’s ok. The wedding is in Hawaii, and it’s black tie optional. I don’t want to wear a full length dress, so I’m going to wear the same dress that I wore to my friend Marie’s wedding last year in Texas. The dress is fancy and I think the color is tropical. Here’s a little picture of it.


I still need to figure out what I’m wearing for the rehearsal dinner and need to go out and buy another bathing suit (I only have 1 right now), but I’ve got some time to get those done. At least the most important outfit for the trip is figured out.

I also wrote about how I have a black thumb a while back. I’ve been trying really hard to not kill my plants this time. I think I’ve succeeded in not killing my plants (yet).


I sent this photo to my dad, and he thinks that it looks like the plants are thriving. Hopefully they will still look this good when he comes to visit me in the fall.

And finally, a long overdue update. I said last year that I was thinking of getting rid of cable. I kept my cable but tried to only watch my shows through Hulu, Netflix, and the internet. And while it worked for many of my shows, it just wasn’t a good solution for them all. In order for me to do my research, it would get to be pretty difficult to not have cable and a DVR.

But I am trying to expand my shows to be things that don’t air on traditional TV. I had yesterday off (there was an awards show filming at my work and it wasn’t safe for us to be there), and I watched all 13 episodes of “Orange Is The New Black”, which is a Netflix original series. If you haven’t watched this show yet, start now! It’s amazing! It might be one of the best shows on tv (and it’s pretty much an all female cast which is amazing and pretty much unheard of).

So that’s what has been going on in my life. I’m feeling pretty reflective as I’m coming to the last week of my 20’s. I’ve been looking back at some photos and just thinking about how much I changed over the last decade. And how so much will change again for me in this next decade. I know I’m probably sounding very sappy, but big birthdays will do that to a person. And when I turned 20, I had no idea that I would be in the place that I am now. So my imagination has been going wild thinking of the possibilities that could be when I’m looking back at my 30’s ten years from now.

Back To Basics (or How A Win At My Day Job Can Help My Acting Career)

Yesterday at my day job, we had a little awards ceremony. I think calling it an awards ceremony was a bit of a stretch, but my boss decorated our break room and brought in Chinese food for us for lunch. And, as any awards ceremony would have, there were prizes.

From the time we came back to work in April until the end of the fiscal year in the beginning of July, there were a couple of contests going on. They were most number of memberships, most amount raised by memberships, most number of tickets sold, and most amount raised in ticket sales. We had similar contests last year, but I didn’t win any of them.

This year, the winners would get a Visa gift card and free tickets for shows coming up in our season. I wanted the free tickets because my dad is going to come back for another show this year and I wanted to treat him. And Visa gift cards are always nice for anything (like my Disneyland pass).

After the lunch portion, my boss first gave iTunes gift cards for those who didn’t win (at least everyone got something). Then, he awarded the person who got second place in memberships a gift card and 4 pairs of tickets to shows of their choice.

Then he announced that I actually won all four contests. I honestly wasn’t expecting that at all! I knew I had a chance at one, but who knew I’d get all four! So I got a very nice gift card and 8 pairs of tickets to shows in our upcoming season!

There’s a lot that I could use that gift card for. I wish I could use it to put toward my credit card, but you can’t do that (I checked). So what I’ve decided to do is to use it for some improv classes.

I’ve talked about how getting back into acting classes was one of my goals for this year. I need to get some more prestigious classes on my acting resume. Casting directors don’t really care unless you have improv training from one of the big schools. So I’ve decided that I want to go to UCB.

The gift card I got will pay for over half of my tuition for level 1. And it’s looking like I might be unemployed again in the fall, so I could take their intensive class and get the first level done in 2 weeks instead of 8. Then I could decide if I want to move on and then take those classes on the regular once a week schedule when I’m back at work.

I’m starting to get excited about this. The classes for the fall aren’t online yet, so I’ll keep checking until it is. But I think that I really am making the right move right now. While I’d love to use this gift card for next year’s Disneyland pass, maybe by taking this new improv class I can book an acting job that will pay for one.

I love when things fall into place for me like this!