I Feel Like I’m Always Buying Stuff (or Some Small And Big Upgrades)

When I moved, there were obviously a lot of things I needed to buy. I tried to limit what I bought and wanted to find ways to repurpose what I already owned, but I found out that wasn’t always working for me. I would have loved to have not bought as much as I did, but also I know that the things I got made my place feel more like home and less like an unsettled space. For example, I loved my old couch but it felt so weird in my new living room and it always made it feel unfinished because there was so much extra space. Getting a couch that fits the space really made a difference. And even though there are other things I would like to upgrade, if they are usable and fit the space, I’m trying to wait to get them unless I find an amazing deal. I know I have spent a lot of money in the past few months, and I need to slow that down.

But there are 2 categories of things that I feel like I’m still buying a bit of. First are things that I didn’t have in the old place that I wanted for the new one. And the other are things that are cheap improvements or upgrades (although those can add up and be a lot of money if I get too many of them). I’m still not trying to rush into any purchases, even if they are cheap ones, because I know that’s a waste. But I’ve gotten a few more new things this past week that are helping to bring my place even more together.

There are a lot of things I have wanted to get for my guest room/office. The biggest one will be the bookcase murphy bed that I will get eventually. I thought I would get that before the end of this year, but I think it will be pushed back until next year. I have decided to hire someone to put it together, and I need to find a good handyman who will do that and make sure I budget for that as well. I also think that I would like to get a new desk eventually, but I’m in no rush to replace the one I have now. It’s just something on my mind whenever I’m looking online or at different stores to get ideas. But one thing I knew I wanted to try to find soon for that room was some additional seating. I like the idea of also making the room feel like a den or reading area since the bed I will put in there will mainly be a bookcase and only rarely used as a bed. I found a style of chair that I liked, but the chairs were pretty pricey so I wasn’t sure when I would get them. And I wanted to get two chairs just to make things look balanced, so that added to the cost.

When I was doing some online searching the other day, I was looking at the chair I was thinking I would get and decided to try to see what else was recommended if I was considering that chair. And the store suggested almost the same chair, but this one came as a pair. It was the same price as the single chair I had been looking at, so basically, each chair was half the cost. I decided that was worth it and I didn’t mind the differences, so I ordered them. And I got them and put them together the other day.

They weren’t as easy to put together as I thought they would be because the instructions were missing some steps. So when I put the first one together, it took a few tries to get everything right. But the second chair was much easier to do and now I have some nice seating that I can use in that room or in my living room if I need more chairs. And I think once I get more stuff in that room, it won’t look as stark and bare. But that will come in time.

I’m also getting ready for my family to visit me this weekend and part of what we will be doing is working on my backyard. I needed to go get some plants for a planter my dad is bringing for me, and I decided to get that plus see what other plants looked interesting. I don’t have the best track record of keeping plants alive, but at least they aren’t too expensive so if they don’t make it I didn’t waste too much money. But I only wanted to get one additional plant since I wanted to see how I did with taking care of it. I looked around the garden area of Home Depot and ended up finding these peppers that looked cool. I won’t eat these peppers, but at least I think they will add some color to my patio.

I hope I can keep these alive, but if I can’t, at least they will be nice for a month or so. But I’m really going to try to take care of them and I did get some of those watering globes so I can make sure that they are getting the right amount of water. I know that I probably over or underwater plants I have, so regulating that should help me not kill them.

I’m sure there will be more things and upgrades I buy in the near future. I know I’ll be doing some shopping when my parents are here, and those are things I have planned for. But I also know that if there are inexpensive things that I see that I know will improve my space, I will probably also be getting unplanned things too.

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