Fabulous Free Food (or Why I Love My Birthday Twin!)

If you ever want to go and eat out at lots of places and not spend money. Just wait until your birthday! There are entire websites dedicated to where to can eat free on your birthday.

One of the places that I go to each year for my free meal is Truxton’s. For your birthday, you get a free entree and a free dessert! For some reason this year, I got my birthday coupon in July, and it expires on August 14th, so I knew I needed to use it.

Every year, my friend Joanna joins me for the free meal (she also writes a blog). Her birthday is also August 9th, so that’s just awesome. And when we go to Truxton’s, we both get a free entree and dessert.

So this weekend, we went. We made sure that we both had our birthday coupons printed out.

And we enjoyed our meal! I knew ahead of time that I would have a huge dinner, so I planned my earlier meals accordingly. This is one of those times that I am happy to splurge! (In case you were wondering, I had a 1/4 rotisserie chicken).

After we both had our meals and our desserts, we were stuffed! But we couldn’t help but smile when the bill came.

Since we both only drank water, our bill was exactly $0.00. We did leave a $10 tip, so the meal wasn’t completely free, but still.

I’m looking forward to all the free meals and experiences I get to take advantage of in August!