Doing Another Podcast Interview (or I Guess People Enjoyed My Stories)

I’ve had a few opportunities in the past to be on podcasts. Most recently, I had 2 different interviews on the Secret Life Podcast. I did one episode about my eating disorder, but the most recent one was about dating. I have shared plenty of dating stories on here before, and it’s clear that I’ve had a lot of crazy stories. And I know that it probably seems like I only have negative experiences, but that’s because those are the ones that are more interesting to share. It’s not as fun to say how I dated someone for a month or two and they were a really great person but just not meant for me. I think people enjoy hearing me talk about getting ghosted or catching cheaters.

And when I went on Secret Life to talk about dating, I did share a lot of those crazy stories. I know they are funny and I know that I have had some really out there experiences. Maybe someone will feel better about their bad dating experiences after hearing my stories. But I just enjoy sharing them because I know they are entertaining and I like to entertain others.

Well, I guess quite a few people agree that they are funny and entertaining because I found out that my episode about dating ended up being a bit hit for the podcast! It’s a little hard to believe that people loved hearing what I had to say when there are interviews with some pretty big celebrities on the podcast too, but I’m so glad that what I had to say was relatable. And because it was a hit, Brianne asked me if I’d come back on the podcast for a follow-up!

I was very excited to be given that chance because quite a few things changed since we recorded that interview. We did that interview a while ago and the stories I shared were accurate at the time of the recording. But there were a few stories I shared on the episode that had some pretty big updates. I shared about a guy who had ghosted me who had come back into my life again (and I won’t say more on here because I want you to listen to the episode!). And I shared a story on the original episode about someone I was seeing non-exclusively that I learned some really big things about since then that has made me feel very differently about the situation.

And I also wanted to share about how dating during a pandemic has been a very tough experience. In a time when I was seriously lacking any physical touch, I wanted to go out and date to try to find someone. But at the same time, I had to keep my health and safety in mind and there is a lot of trust you have to put in people who you don’t know. I know this will be relatable because I don’t know anyone single during this time that hasn’t had the same struggles as I have had. And because none of us have been in a pandemic before, there aren’t rules or guidelines to follow and we are all just trying to figure it out.

I don’t want to share too much about what I said because I want you all to listen to my follow-up episode. And you won’t have to wait long because Brianne let me know that she is going to release it as the Valentine’s Day episode! So I hope you all check it out, and while you are waiting for my next episode to come out, you should check out all the other episodes and interviews because they have all been amazing!

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