Another Full Quarantine (or I Don’t Know Why This Feels Different)

I mentioned yesterday that I’m doing another full quarantine right now. I’ve done these twice before and it’s always because I’m getting ready to see my family. Doing it a third time was something I didn’t even have to think about. I knew that if I wanted to see my family, I had to do a full quarantine. This was something my brother told me to do the first time I was going to see everyone, but I also assumed I would have to do it. Although the first time, I misunderstood and did a month of full quarantine. But now, I know it’s 2 weeks.

Doing a full quarantine means I don’t leave my house, even to do essential errands. I don’t go out for anything other than to take my trash to the curb and to walk across my driveway to do laundry. It’s not that different from what I normally do. I don’t do most of my errands in person. There are a few places that I can’t get delivery from or that it’s much cheaper to get if I go to the store. But for the most part, I have everything delivered to me. But even though I don’t leave my house for almost anything, doing a full quarantine feels so different.

Maybe it’s just the idea that I can’t go out to do errands. I don’t necessarily want to go out and about, but knowing I can’t do it feels different. There are things I’d love to go out and get from the store, but I just can’t. If there was something that I needed urgently and I couldn’t get it delivered, I know I could message a friend to see if they could go to the store for me. I’ve done that before with stuff from Trader Joes. But I hate having to ask friends to do errands for me (even though they are doing it when they are at the store too). It’s silly because I would do it in a heartbeat for anyone. I just don’t like having to ask for myself.

Since I knew this 2-week full quarantine was coming up, I tried to make sure I did my errands that had to be done in person at a store ahead of time. I actually didn’t have much I needed to do, so it was easy to get them done. Of course, as soon as I couldn’t go out I realized there was something I wanted to get that I forgot to do. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I could probably wait until after my visit with my family. And if I end up running out of something, I can either find something else I can use or I will ask my friends if anyone is going to the store so they can help me out. I think part of this time has made me very paranoid about running out of things I use. I am trying to make sure I have purchased whatever I need before the one I’m using runs out. For example, I use a specific shaving cream from Trader Joes. In the past, if I ran out in the shower, then I’d go to Trader Joes that afternoon to get another one. It wasn’t a big deal. Now, when it’s starting to feel like it’s getting close to empty I want to go out to buy a new one. I know that I can use something else and that it’s not the end of the world if I have to use a slightly different product, but I like having things that are familiar to me.

Doing a full quarantine is totally worth it so that I can see my family soon. It’s also the only way I can see them and feel like I’m not putting anyone at risk. There is no way that I could get my family sick if I do my quarantine properly. And I don’t want to be scared if I could pass it to someone else. So this isn’t just for everyone else’s safety, but for my peace of mind too. And getting able to see everyone is worth any sacrifices I have to make. I want to be able to see them and I can’t wait until I get to be around people I love! I’m about halfway through my quarantine and I’m counting down the days until I get my reward for doing it!

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