Tag Archives: time off

A Goodbye For Now (or I Think It’s Time For A Break)

For about 11 1/2 years, I’ve been writing this blog. I’ve done over 2900 posts in that time, and most of the time, I’ve been writing 5 posts weekly. About a year ago, I decided to go down to 2 posts weekly because I felt like I was starting to struggle with what to write. It was hard to let myself be ok with not writing every day, but I’m glad I made that change a year ago. I felt like I had to find things to write about instead of just writing about what I wanted to write about. I also made changes to how I wrote about my workouts and made them more like a general post instead of going into details about my workouts. Even with the changes I made, I still had this blog as a big part of my life for over a decade.

But I’ve decided that it’s time for me to step away from this blog, at least for a little bit. I haven’t been feeling that inspired to write here. My life hasn’t been that crazy, and I’m starting to appreciate the boringness of my life at times. Yes, I still want to have excitement and I’m trying to not just live the same life every single week. But I also know that if I need a weekend at home doing a lot of nothing, there is value in that. And even with only writing one non-workout post a week, sometimes I still feel a bit of pressure to have something happening in my life so I can write about it. Or if I have a lot of things happening within a week or two, I feel the pressure to decide what thing I should write about and what thing I should skip since I don’t want to write about an event weeks after it happened.

It’s crazy to think about how I started the blog in my 20s and now I’m in my 40s. My entire 30s were documented on here and that’s something I’m so grateful for. There have been countless times when I was trying to remember something and I searched my blog for the post about it. It’s been an incredible scrapbook for a big chunk of my life. I have changed my life in so many ways since I started writing. And even with the struggles I’ve had, things have improved so much for me. I don’t think my life is perfect, but the things I have now are things that I wished for years ago. I have a much more stable living situation, which is something that I will always appreciate. I have made a lot of changes in my health but more importantly, in my fitness.

It’s because of this blog that I discovered Orangetheory. I was invited to a blogger preview and I know I wouldn’t have found it as soon as I did without that preview workout. I rarely was in the neighborhood of that first studio before working out there, so I might not have found the perfect workout for me until they opened the studio in my neighborhood. I can’t imagine what my life would be like now if I wasn’t invited to that workout. I’ve had a lot of great things come my way because of this blog, but I think that finding my workout home is easily the best thing that happened because I started this blog.

I found new communities because of my posts. I met new friends that I still keep in touch with, even though almost all of them have stopped blogging by now. I think the blogging world isn’t what it used to be and that’s ok. Things like blogs are trends that come and go and it seems like people have been using other ways to be creative and have a voice. I think I’m starting to feel that way as well. When I started writing, it was a creative outlet that I knew was missing in my life. I don’t necessarily have a new outlet that I have started to use, but I’m more active on social media and that’s a bit of creativity for me. Again, the things I needed and felt were missing in my life in my late 20s are different from what I feel like I need now.

I also find it a little poetic that the day this post will come out will be the 4th anniversary of the last normal day we had before the pandemic. I think most people think of that Friday the 13th as the last normal day even if things weren’t totally shut down right after that. And the pandemic caused such a huge shift in my life, just like it did for almost everyone. I wish that not everything had to change the way it did, but I was forced to adapt to what came my way and I’ve been trying to make the best of it. But I also know that being forced to change is sometimes the only way that change will happen, so I am grateful that I have been able to make positive changes and create a pretty awesome situation for myself.

I don’t know if this will be the last post I write on here or not. I might take a few months off and miss writing so I start things up again. I might realize that I want to write randomly when something big happens so I write a few posts a year. I’m not setting any rules or ideas for this break for now because I don’t know how I will feel during my time away. I thought going down to 2 posts a week would stress me out and I’d miss writing, but it ended up being the best choice for me. I don’t know how much longer I could have kept up 5 posts weekly. I think this last year was much less stressful because I didn’t have that pressure on myself to keep going. And I’m hoping I’ll have another positive reaction to this new break.

So I guess this is it for now. It’s not necessarily a goodbye, but I’m not sure when I’ll be back on here again. But if I come back to start writing again, it will be from a fresh perspective after having some time away. And if I decide to not write here again in the future, thank you to all of you who have been following my journey. Whether you’ve been reading since I started in July 2012 or this is somehow the first post you’ve read. I have been so grateful that people have been interested in what I have to say and what I think. This blog has given me a voice when I really needed one and I have been so lucky to have an audience for this long.

A Non-Workout Week Recap (or I Hated Taking Time Off)

After my last workout recap, I was really hoping I would have a good workout week this past week. What I didn’t expect was having to take the entire week off from working out due to being sick. I knew over the weekend that I had a bit of a cold, but I didn’t think it would it would affect my entire week. And maybe if it had been a normal cold, I only would have needed to take one or two days off.

I knew pretty early on Sunday that I would need to take Monday off. I was dealing with a lot of issues with my cold and I knew that showing up when I was coughing that much wouldn’t be a polite thing to do to everyone else. I also knew that I could use extra sleep so sleeping in would be nice.

By Monday night, I was feeling better except for my throat. And because of the swelling in my throat, the pain was really intense and I didn’t feel like I could fully catch my breath. Exercising when you can’t catch your breath isn’t a smart thing to do so I figured I would take another day off. Unfortunately, that continued to be the pattern through the rest of the week.

My throat was starting to get a little better by Thursday, but it was still not great and I knew that I just had to keep taking the week off. I debated going in on days I normally take off, but I decided against that since even by the weekend I wasn’t fully recovered. I don’t want to make any of my symptoms last longer than they have to, so resting was the smartest plan. I could have worked out at home or even at the little gym my condo building has, but I decided to focus on rest and recovery. I did do some stretching workouts, but that’s as intense as I got this past week.

I really hate taking time off from working out. I still am shocked that I say that, but it’s true. It’s become such a part of my routine and I can feel it when I need to work out now. It’s not just about getting to my workout goals each month or year, I really crave working out now. And having to take time off when I could convince myself maybe I should go is tough. When I took the week off because of my foot, that was different. This time, I had to be smart and mature and know that this was the best choice for me.

As I’m writing this, I fully plan on going back this week. I’m still not 100%, but I’m doing significantly better. And I know I’ll need to ease back into things no matter what so going easy this week will be good for a few reasons. There are studies that show that working out can help you get over a cold, but I knew that I needed to wait until it was a bit safer for me to work out. I did get to miss what should be the worse of my pain and nausea by having this past week off, but I know that could continue into this week as well. So I might be dealing with that besides everything else I have. But I know I can handle it because I’ve done that before.

Hopefully, I won’t need to take more time off from working out anytime soon. I know I did the best thing for myself, but it doesn’t make it any easier. I want to get back to my normal and somewhat crazy routine and I hope that happens this week!

Gearing Up To Wind Down (or I Think I’ll Need These Days Off)

Because in the past I didn’t always get holidays off, I am always extra grateful when I get an extra day off. So many holidays are on Mondays and my box office job already has Mondays off. And there have also been a few years where Christmas and New Year’s fell on days I already had off so I didn’t feel like I had any real time off, I only had my normal weekend.

With my social media job, I do get holidays off, so that’s already an added bonus. So the Mondays that are holidays finally feel like a day off since I have time off from my Monday-Friday job. Between the two jobs, I do have slightly different holiday schedules and days off, but most of the days overlap so that helps a bit.

But for the first time in a long time, I feel like I have a real break. It’s not a long break, but it’s more than normal. For my social media job, I have Friday-Monday off, so that’s 2 extra days. And for my box office job, I have Saturday off. I will still need to work on Friday for the box office job, but that’s only 2 hours in the afternoon so that’s not too bad. I might actually work a few extra hours depending on how I feel to bank some extra time off I can use in the future. But I don’t have to decide that in advance.

I’m really looking forward to having all this time off. I don’t have any plans, and that’s ok with me. I just want to have time to rest and relax. And I’m honestly so happy I will have so many days in a row that I can sleep in a bit later because I’m still struggling with getting to bed on time. I am going to work on getting to bed earlier on my days off, but at least this way I’ll have the ability to sleep in a bit if I need to, and hopefully I will feel so much more rested by next week.

Because of all the extra time off, things have been extra crazy at both of my jobs this week. I’ve been getting a lot of stuff done so it’s not waiting for me on Tuesday because I know there will be a lot that comes in over the long weekend. I already know next week will likely be just as crazy because I’ll be catching up plus there is still one more holiday to go. For my box office job, this is one of our busiest times since so many people want to get a gift certificate to give as a holiday gift. At least I know that will calm down a bit next week. And for my social media job, I normally have a lot to do at the end of the month so I’ve been trying to get as much of a head start on that work as possible. But I know that since so many things can’t be done until the start of the new month, a lot will just have to wait and I will have my usual busy beginning of the month.

I know having a crazy week this week will probably make me appreciate my extra days off even more. And I’m fully planning on taking advantage of not having to do much for those days and getting myself ready for whatever craziness happens after the holidays.

Enough With Being Sick (or Holy Moly I’m Craving Exercise)

I really spent most of last week being sick. I worked on Monday and stayed home Tuesday and Wednesday knowing that I was way too sick to work. I went in to work on Thursday but as soon as my boss saw me, he sent me home. I guess I looked pretty sick still. I finally returned to work on Friday but I still wasn’t completely better.

I’m not so good at sitting at home waiting to get better, but that’s what I had to do. For those few days I was sick, even walking down my driveway seemed to wear me out. And I didn’t feel too sick while I was sick, which bothered me a lot. I felt like I could do whatever but then when I tried it I was exhausted. But I did manage to make it out of my house each day while sick.

I’m writing this on Sunday and I’m still not completely better. I had to stop taking decongestants because you can only take them so many days in a row. But I’m still not able to breathe out of my nose all the time. It’s pretty annoying.

Midway through the week, I really wanted to go to SoulCycle. Obviously with a fever I couldn’t go. But I was so shocked that I craved working out. That’s a new thing for me. Normally I’m looking for ways to get out of a workout, not ways to tell myself that I’m healthy enough to go.

But I think I need to wait until I can breathe through my nose before doing a workout like spinning. So I’m still waiting to return. Hopefully in the next few days all my congestion will go away.

I’ve got a few weeks left at work before we are supposed to go on another break and I really want to make the most of my time there before not having any income (outside of unemployment). Being out this past week really didn’t help. But I’m taking extra shifts working at shows on the weekends. I did one tonight (Sunday) and I’m scheduled to do another one this upcoming Saturday night. Every little bit helps. And working is helping me to start feeling like I’m healthy again.

Even though being sick totally sucks, I’m still trying to look at the positives. I used to get sick a lot more often. Before my tonsils came out a few years ago, I seems to have strep throat or a cold every other month. Now, since I don’t have my tonsils anymore, I seem to only get sick twice a year. And I have to be very grateful that I got sick now and not at a time that I’m visiting my parents. My mom is still going through chemo (only 2 more left!!!) and she cannot get sick. I don’t know if it will be the same when she’s going through radiation, but I know that if I was home this past week, it could have been very very bad for my mom.

Hopefully this will be the last post about me being sick for a while.

Yup, I’m Sick (or Trying To Take Care Of Me)

All that hope that I wouldn’t get sick didn’t work. I managed to work my short shift at work, but I felt pretty miserable the whole time. And pretty much everyone was out sick except for one co-worker and my boss (although my boss was technically still sick, he just had to be at work yesterday).

I tried to keep drinking water during my shift to help flush this cold out of me. I also focused on doing that at home in the afternoon. But sadly, I seem to be getting a bit worse.

My boss said that I could take today off if I wasn’t feeling great (I have to be better by Wednesday because I’m working at a show). I haven’t quite decided if I’m taking a personal day or not, but I’m leaning toward staying home. I know that I don’t really stand a chance at getting much better by being at work all day. But if I stay home, I can rest and let my body fight this bug.

I just hate taking days off if I can help it because my job doesn’t have paid sick or personal days. So if I don’t work I don’t make money. But sometimes getting better is much more important than making money. And after seeing my co-workers try to work sick and stay sick for a long time, I want to make sure that doesn’t happen to me.

I know that there are a lot of debates out there if you should eat when you feel sick. My co-worker expressed concern yesterday when I mentioned that I hadn’t eaten yet that day. He felt that it was important to feel my body so it would have energy to fight the bug.

But this is another thing that my eating disorder affects. I didn’t feel hungry yesterday. And I don’t want to force myself to eat when I’m not hungry. That’s something that I’ve been fighting for forever. I did eventually have some soup and rice toward dinnertime, but I pretty much ate nothing all day. And I’m ok with that. I wasn’t feeling light-headed or faint like I get sometimes when I am very hungry and have skipped a meal. So I figured my body had enough fuel to last for that time.

Hopefully, whether I end up going to work or not today, this is the beginning of the end of this cold. I hate feeling sick and I know that I can’t afford this right now.

Taking A Break To Be Sick (or Hitting A Road Bump)

On Monday, I woke up feeling a bit funny. Since I had a late start to my shift that day, I figured I’d spend the morning taking it easy and hopefully would feel better before I had to leave.

I went to work, but my head felt fuzzy and I just didn’t feel right. I spent most of my lunch break sleeping in my car. I also started to feel a bit feverish (I was shivering like I was cold but when I touched my skin it was burning up). After being at work for 4 hours, I told my boss that I had to head home.

To be perfectly honest, I don’t remember driving home too much. But I do remember taking my temperature as soon as I was inside (it was 102), and then going immediately to bed. I slept on and off all night, and when I woke up yesterday, I still felt awful.

So I took another day off of work. I still had a fever and I know that my boss doesn’t want anyone sick to be in the office (because we all seem to catch illnesses from each other).

I tried to stay productive while I was home, but while I had the fever it was difficult. I did have a phone interview for a new job, and that went well enough that I made it to the next step (which is a writing sample test). I have until Friday morning to complete the next step, so I’m going to take him with that.

I also got some e-mail responses to other jobs I’ve applied for. I should have at least one more phone interview this week. That’s making me happy.

Before I left work on Monday, I did talk with my boss again. I had to ask him if he would be my job reference for my current job. He finally did realize then how serious I was about having to take myself out of the situation at my job. He asked me to promise that I would at least stay there through this week, and I know that I will do that.

But I’m still working on putting myself first. I’m doing that by looking for a better job and I’m doing that by taking time off to be sick. As of right now, it is my plan to go in for my shift today. The fever is gone and while I’m still congested, that can be managed with medicine. But at least I did get some steps done while I was out to make sure that I am on the road to a better day job for me.

What To Do? (or Day 1 of Unemployment)

Today is the first day of my unemployment. It doesn’t feel like I’m unemployed, and I have no idea if it will ever feel that way.

I’ve got a busy day planned for myself. I’ve already filed my unemployment paperwork online (much better than the last time when I had to mail it in) so now I just have to wait to make sure I’m approved.

I need to go to the school district I sub for and get a parking pass and make sure I don’t need to do a new TB test before they let me sub.

I need to get my car fixed (oil change, tire rotation, new wiper blade, brake light is out), which has needed to be done for a while. But since most shops aren’t open on Sundays, I’ve been putting it off because I didn’t want to have to take a day off to do it.

I have plans with a friend tonight to go to happy hour and catch up.

And I want to get a workout in (although probably not a spin class since my favorite teacher isn’t teaching until tomorrow).

The plan has always been to keep myself busy during unemployment, and based on my schedule for the first day, I think I’m doing ok so far. This weekend, I’m going to print out the calendars for Women in Film, SAG Foundation, and The Actor’s Network and pick out all the lectures/speakers that I want to go to next month. I’m so overwhelmed by all my options, but I’m pretty excited too.

Most of all, I want to spend this time focusing on me. I’m not where I’d like to be in my life, and I need to work on taking the steps to get there. And there is no better time to focus on yourself than when you don’t have to go to work 6 days a week every week!