Tag Archives: declarations

Daily Affirmations (or A Free App Recommendation)

I’ve been doing affirmations for years. However it hasn’t been something I do regularly even though I’ve seen positive results with them.

I started doing affirmations before auditions in 2007. I took a weekend intensive class with Renita, who is a casting director. She gave us all a CD of declarations to listen to before any major acting moment (audition, callback, heading to set for a big job). I put the declarations on my iPhone and have listened to them every time I’m driving to an actor related meeting or job. I normally listen to it one time, saying all the declarations out loud, and then I change it up and listen to positive music to keep me in a good mindset.

I’ve found that I’m less nervous and more secure in my acting choices since doing this. Even if I’m not booking every job, I’m making a better impression in each office now, so hopefully they’ll bring me back for more auditions.

Well, the other day I was looking for some new apps to put on my iPhone, and I came across the Daily Affirmations app. It was free, so I downloaded it without thinking twice.

And I’m so glad that I did! Each day, you have a new affirmation to look at. What you do with it is your choice. You can say them out loud, write them down somewhere, or just read them for a minute (like I do).

And I really enjoy the affirmations that have been coming up for me so far.

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I highly recommend checking this app out (it’s free so why not?).

I don’t know if I’ll do something more involved with these affirmations like I do with my actor declarations, but I can always do that later. For now, I’m enjoying taking a moment each day to read something that really is positive to help me get off to a great start for the day.

Declaring Things (or Being Serious Instead of Silly)

If you are friends with me in real life, you probably hear me say that I declare things all the time. I declare silly stuff.

Recently, I declared the chocolate satin pie at Marie Callenders the best food in the world. I’ve declared that my Girls Night Out group needs to try to be extras in the sequel to “Magic Mike”. I’ve declared tons of things but always in a joking manner.

It’s time to start declaring things that are meaningful and important to me.

I think that declarations are different than resolutions, but that might just be my opinion. Resolutions are things you want to change, declarations are things that are facts in your life.

Here is what I am declaring.

I declare that I have the best most supportive friends in the entire world. I never knew how many people truly cared about me until I started being honest with everyone and showing my true self.

I declare that also by being honest, I have strengthened my relationship with my family. I’ve always been close to them, but the closeness we have found now is something that I didn’t know was possible.

I declare that I am working on becoming the most healthy version of me that I can be. There is a number that I would like to see on the scale, but I have realized that it is just how I think I will look at that number and not the number that is important to me.

I declare that I am going to make the most of the job that I have now, but I am going to continue to explore other options that will allow me to pursue my dreams while still being able to afford my apartment.

And I declare that I will continue to write on here, because by writing I have learned more about myself than I did in years of therapy.

Anyone else have things that they want to declare to the world?