Starting New (or Hoping My Black Thumb Turns Into A Green Thumb)

I’ve never been very good at keeping plants alive. I’m not sure what I do wrong. I water them regularly, I take the dead leaves off, and I make sure they get enough (but not too much) sunlight. But so many times I have something start out like this:


And before I know it, it looks like this:


My dad is great at keeping plants alive. In fact, he is the one who gave me the gardenia plant I killed (and he also made the bark planter that it was in). He has given me so many plants over the years, and not one is still alive.

I’m a plant serial killer.

When my dad was visiting me last year, we went to Huntington Gardens and he pointed out what plants would be harder for me to kill. But I don’t trust that any plants are hard to kill. I’m good at doing things that shouldn’t happen. Like when I go bowling, if there are bumpers, I’m still able to get a gutter ball (that takes true talent)!

But this weekend, I decided to take advantage of the “no sales tax” sale at Orchard and add some new plants to my life.

I took my dad’s advice and got succulents. I’m just hoping that they are hard to kill, like my dad says. I got 5 different plants. I picked some based on cool names like California Sunset and ET Fingers (I also pick nail polish by cool names, so it’s a thing). I also got an Aloe plant because that seemed pretty cool to have.

I took out my dead gardenia out of my bark planter and also took another planter that was in front of my house but nobody was using and planted my new purchases. I didn’t get enough dirt so I do have to fix that soon.

But for now, the front of my house looks pretty nice.


I did a ton of research on how not to kill succulents. I’m hoping that I can keep these alive. If not, I think I need to stop murdering plants and move on to silk flowers to decorate my front yard.

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