One Year (or Actually One Year And A Couple Of Days)

I can’t believe that I actually missed the 1 year anniversary of me starting this blog! July 16, 2012 was my very first post.

In my defense, I didn’t mean to miss the anniversary, but life has been crazy lately! And for some reason, I had July 19th stuck in my head.

But here’s to me writing faithfully on here for an entire year! Holy moly!

Honestly, when I started the blog, I didn’t know how long I’d do it. I thought maybe a few people would read it (like my parents), but I didn’t think anything beyond that.

One year (and a few days) later, I have over 10,000 views from over 80 different countries!

I can see what search terms people use to stumble upon my blog, and two of the most common are Dirty Shirley and Stripper Penguin. I’m not sure what that says about the last year of my life, but I think it’s pretty awesome.

Since I started this, I’ve gotten a better control on my eating disorder. I think that coming clean was one of the best things I could have done for myself. And in the last year, I’ve lost just over 20 pounds! That may seem like not much (or a ton) to you, but to me it’s steady progress. I’m hoping to keep this trend up for the next year.

Finally, something that this blog has done for me that I haven’t shared yet. Before I had to write something fun on here every weekday, I lived a relatively boring life. Many days when I’d get home from work, I’d just crash on my couch or read until it was time to go to bed and do it all again. Having the pressure of coming up with posts every day has forced me to be more social and to step outside of my comfort zone a lot more. I’ve attended events that I wouldn’t have done before, and I’ll try crazy things just because I know that they will make an awesome post.

I hope that I’m able to keep all of this up for another year (and more years after that). In the next year, I have lots of big events! I’m turning 30 in less than a month (I’m getting old!) and my brother’s wedding is about 7 weeks away! And I’m sure there will be lots more to share that I don’t even know about yet!

But for now, here’s to the last 367 days! Thanks for following me on my journey so far, and I hope you stay with me to see where things go!

And to celebrate, I’m going to be enjoying this split of champagne with my dinner tonight!


2 responses to “One Year (or Actually One Year And A Couple Of Days)

  1. Pingback: 4 Years (or Reflections On The Past) - Finding My Inner Bombshell

  2. Pingback: 5 Years Old (or My Blog Is A Kindergartner) - Finding My Inner Bombshell