I’ve Got Writer’s Block (or I Might Have Taken Too Many Pain Meds)

I survived part one of the crown procedure. It took two shots to get me numb, but I didn’t pass out with either shot. I might have broken a finger or two on the dental assistant’s hand, but I didn’t faint.

My boss was nice enough to give me the entire day off to recover. I was planning on being super productive and get some work done around my house.

Nothing happened all day.

On the way home, I stopped by the grocery to get food that is appropriate for a temporary crown (soft and not sticky). I will be surviving on a lot of yogurt, applesauce, and eggs for the next two weeks.

I got home, and I slept off the numbness and then slept off the pain.

Why am I telling you all of this mundane stuff?

Because I honestly have no idea what else to write.

I took a bunch of panic medication yesterday and today to help me get through the shot portion of the procedure. And when I got home, I started taking pain medication. The injection sites in my mouth are extremely sore, same with my jaw.

The day was almost a wasted day. All I got done was play a few rounds of Words with Friend (I’m kicking your butt, Dad), sent a few emails, and did laundry.

I’m sorry for the boring post today. I made a deal with myself that once I started this blog, I will write every Monday-Friday without fail. And so far, I’ve been able to do that. And if it takes a few boring posts every so often to help me accomplish this, so be it.

I promise to be more interesting soon. I have to be.

Plus, tonight, I’m going to Drag Queen Bingo at Hamburger Mary’s! I promise to let you all know all about it!

Oh, and just to add a fun picture to a boring post, here’s a self-portrait I took after the drilling portion of the procedure was done.


I wanted to smile, but they were doing an impression for the permanent crown when I took the picture and my teeth and lips had to stay closed.

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