Being Socially Anti-Social (or An Observer At Game Night)

This past Saturday, my friends Marie and Chris had one of their epic parties. I was totally looking forward to this party because I had nothing scheduled for Sunday morning so I could finally stay at the party as late as I wanted to! I still had to work on Saturday morning prior to the party, but work was going to be done several hours before the party.

Saturday got here and the day got off to a rough start. I had a pretty bad night sleep the night before and I had some difficult situations with customers at work during my shift. I tried to take a nap after work, but that wasn’t working.

I also ended up getting asked to dog-sit on Saturday night, so I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stay at the party super late because I had to get to the dog. But I decided to make an effort to go to the party for as long as I could.

It was another game day party and when I got there there were several games in full swing. Everyone was having the best time and were super into the games that they were playing. I was still feeling off so I just watched from the side. I got asked to join in some games, but I decided to just stick to watching.

Eventually, I ended up hanging out with one of my friends inside and catching up. I talked about how I was feeling off and we had a really nice talk which made me feel much better. By then, some of the other party people were coming inside to play games inside or to sing some karaoke (which is set up in Chris and Marie’s garage). It was getting late by then and I didn’t want to start a game when I knew I’d have to leave to get to the dog-sitting job so I just watched again.

I ended up doing a Periscope broadcast from one of the games and that was pretty entertaining for me.

Game Night

By about 10pm, I realized that I needed to get to my dog-sitting (the dog has access to the outside so I wasn’t too worried about how late I’d be, but I didn’t want it to be super late when I arrived). As always, it took me forever to say goodbye to everyone and I got sucked into a bunch of conversations.

Even though I wasn’t feeling it at the party, I’m so glad I went. Seeing my friends did help bring me out of my funk a little bit. And I still had fun watching games even if I wasn’t playing. Seeing my friends have fun is something I like to watch.

I need to remember to be social even if I don’t feel like it and want to watch movies at home. It really did improve my mood, even if I still was feeling a little off the entire time. Hopefully by the time the next party comes around (which I think will be Halloween), I’ll be in more of a party mood.

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