Monthly Archives: March 2014

Baby Steps Progress (or Surprising Myself)

I don’t feel like I’ve made a ton of progress in spin class lately. I’m still sitting down for the entire class. I had previously discussed trying to stand up (or ride out of the saddle) with my hip surgeon, and his advice was simple. If it hurts after the workout, that’s good. If it hurts while I’m doing the workout, that’s bad.

And since day 1, it has hurt whenever I tried to ride out of the saddle in class. Every so often, I’ll try to ride out of the saddle to see if somehow it doesn’t hurt (at least in the bad way). And it never seems to be only good pain.

This past Saturday I went to Heather’s class (I love that since I’m not at my old job anymore I can go to her lunchtime class on Saturday!). It was a great class and I was sweating like crazy. It was exactly what I needed.

In the past, I’ve always tried to ride out of the saddle when there is very little resistance on the bike. I’m not sure why, but that’s always what I’ve done. And every time I’ve tried, I can stay up for a couple of seconds before I feel the bad pain (which is basically my hip locking up and feeling like the bones are grinding).

But this past Saturday, I decided to try riding out of the saddle while we were in the hill portion of class. This meant that there was a lot of resistance on the wheel and that we were not pedaling as fast.

And I was actually able to stay up for about half a song! It was tough, but it didn’t start hurting until about half way through the hill section. I was able to stay up and even do some of the moves (we were sitting down for 2 counts and then standing up for 2 counts).

After half of the song, the bad pain started again, so I sat down. But this was still the most that I’ve ridden out of the saddle for any spin class I’ve taken!

It’s tough to be super excited over this since I only rode out of the saddle for about 90 seconds and a majority of the 45 minute class is supposed to be out of the saddle, but I’m trying to be happy. Maybe the next class I take I can ride out of the saddle for a majority of the hill section. And one day, I’ll be able to ride out of the saddle for 45 seconds when there is no resistance on the bike.

These are baby steps. And they will take a while to add up to what seems like progress. But I’m trying to stay optimistic that this will snowball into faster and faster progress and one day I will look back at the time that I had to sit down for an entire spin class as something in the past.

Lots Of Good (or Maybe Karma Is In My Favor)

Wednesday was already going to be an awesome day because of my stand-in job at WB. I knew waking up that day that is would be a good day (and would give me something positive to write about). But I had no idea how good my day was going to get.

After my lunch break, I was back on the set getting ready to do some stand-in work when my phone rang. It wasn’t a number a recognized, but since the number was a LA number, I guessed it was a call I should answer.

Turns out, it was the boss at the job I was waiting to hear back from. They wanted to hire me and have me start right after I get back from my NYC trip! I was so excited to get that news! It isn’t going to be full time to start, but it can lead to that. Plus, after being trained, it will be work from home! It’s exactly what I wanted!

I had a mini-celebration by myself on the set, but my focus had to stay on the job I was hired to do that day, so I didn’t really celebrate until I got back into my car after being done.

If that wasn’t good enough, I got a very interesting phone call while driving home. It was from my last job. The COO of the theater company called and asked me to come back to work with them! It won’t be the telesales job I had since they got rid of that department, but in the box office.

The work from home job is pretty much only during business hours and the box office job would be evenings and weekends, so I can do both (although I will make sure that I have at least 1 day off a week)!

I went from no jobs to 3 jobs (although 1 of those was only for that day) in 24 hours! How crazy is that?!?

It is also going to allow me to stop working the film recruiting job. I’m still not getting good results and I can’t survive on the minimum wage that they pay. But at least I have 2 new jobs to do to pay the bills!

And finally, some somewhat frivolous good news. There is a purse that I have been wanting to get for a while, but it’s not in my budget. I told myself that if I got the new job, I could use my final unemployment check to buy it (since I won’t have to use it for bills). Well, I was planning on buying the purse in NY (I figured it would be an amazing souvenir).

But I randomly went to Nordstroms Rack yesterday and the purse was there! And it was 50% off! I figured it was meant to be and I bought my dream purse! Now I’ll be super stylish when I start my new job!


I’m so glad that the universe has decided to send a lot of good things my way. It is a reminder that as long as you can tough it out, eventually it will get better and things will turn out right.

My Day At WB (or Feeling Like I’ve Never Left)

Yesterday, I did stand-in work for “Mike and Molly”. If you are unfamiliar with what stand-in work is, basically I stood in for one of the main actors while the crew set up some shots for promos that they will be shooting this week. I was there so the main actor didn’t have to be (I’m sure I’m cheaper too). I had been a stand-in once before for the same actor a couple of years ago, but that was a totally different experience.

Last time, we worked at a photography studio. While that was fun, this time is was even better. We worked on the WB lot (where the show is shot)! And as I’ve mentioned before, I used to be a tour guide at WB so I know the lot very well.

My day started off by getting through the lot security (it was actually very easy this time) and getting a ride over to the soundstage that we were working on. The soundstage was on the opposite end of the studio, so the ride was nice. Once I got there, I signed my contract for the day, found a chair to sit in, and read my book.

The lighting takes a while to get set up. We were there for about 2 hours before I had to do anything. But I just enjoyed sitting there and reading (and getting paid to do that).

The stage looked pretty plain. There’s nothing shooting in there right now, and all they had up was a blue screen (so they can replace the background of the picture with whatever they want).


After being on that stage for a bit, we ended up moving over to another stage because everything was already set up over there. We moved over to stage 24, which is the stage that “Mike and Molly” shoots on. It’s also known as The “Friends” Stage because that is the stage that “Friends” shot on for a majority of their run.


I tried to get a selfie with the sign outside the stage, but the sign is so big so both the sign and I got a bit cropped out of it.

A funny thing happened while we were walking over to the other stage. I saw a bunch of tour guides with their carts driving around the lot. Everyone on the cart was looking at me trying to figure out if I was famous enough to want to take pictures of. Of course, I took a photo of the cart trying to decide if they wanted to take a photo of me.


Inside stage 24, it was set up just as if they were taping the show that day. The other stand-in and I sat up in the audience area while we waited, and for the first time ever in the audience area, I had my phone on me and could take a photo of the view.


It’s not as pretty to look at when there are crew carts in front and when it isn’t lit properly, but it’s still fun.

Before we really did any stand-in work, we had to break for lunch. I walked over to the commissary and ordered a sandwich (the WB commissary is actually very good and not too horribly priced). After I was done eating, I noticed what I thought was the VIP Deluxe tour cart right by the tables. I know that my friend, Dean, is the one who almost always leads those tours, so I waited by the cart to see if Dean came by.

After waiting for a few minutes, out came Dean with his tour group! As soon as I saw him, I interrupted whatever he was telling his tour to tell his guests that they have the best tour guide ever (Dean was the one who trained me when I was a guide). Dean seemed super excited to see me too, and we got to chat for a second before he had to take his group to the next location on the lot.

I spent the rest of my lunch walking around the lot, checking out some of my favorite locations.

This first picture used to be the hospital for “ER”.


And next is Stars Hollow from “Gilmore Girls” (it’s also been a ton of other locations, but that’s what I always think of it as).


My lunch hour came to an end and I walked back to the soundstage. They were finally ready for us to do our stand-in work after lunch. Most of the time was in the living room set, which is right in front of the audience area. So I got to stare at the empty audience bleachers and tried to image what it would be like to have an audience in there and I’m performing.


Before I knew it, my day was done. It was a very easy day and it might not seem like I did a lot, but it helped the crew get almost all the prep work done so that on the shoot day they don’t have to waste the lead actors’ time.

I walked back through the studio one more time to get back to my car, and I headed home.

It was one of the best days I’ve had in a while. I got to meet a ton of really great people and I got to spend my day on one of my absolute favorite lots to be on (it doesn’t hurt that I know that lot so well so I can wander and not get lost).

Hopefully there will be more days like this in the future.

A Little Good A Little Bad (or Maybe This Is Just How It Will Be For A While)

I feel like I’ve been pretty negative on here for a while. It’s tough when things seems to not be going your way.

I’m still fighting with the idea that I should not do the recruiting job anymore. The results from another screening I worked came in, and I’ve still never had anyone attend a screening. This isn’t good. The screenings that I worked on Sunday are this week and I should know toward the end of the week if anyone showed up. If nobody did, I’m going to take it as a clear sign that I should stop wasting my time (and the company’s since I’m clearly not a good employee). But I’m going to wait and see.

But yesterday, things took a nice turn for the positive. I still haven’t heard back from the job that told me to wait and not accept anything until they got back to me. But I’ve had other positive job related news.

I did a second interview for another job that seemed good and paid well. And they didn’t seem to have an issue with me being an actor. The only weird thing was the first interview was technically over email and the second was over the phone. I’ve never met them, but maybe this is just the way that they do things.

I also was accepted for a fun food survey. It doesn’t pay a lot, but it’s some extra cash that I’m going to get right before leaving for my trip. Every little bit helps!

And finally, I got a fun acting related gig for today! I’m going to be doing stand-in work for a promo for a network show. I’ve actually been a stand-in for this particular actor for the last set of promos that they did a few years ago. So it’s exciting that I get to do it again! It should be another fun and easy day, just like it was a few years ago.

It’s not exactly acting, but it’s closer to acting than almost anything else could be (except acting, of course). But it’s always nice to be in a room surrounded by creative types and having fun. And again, any extra money that I can get is super helpful.

Technically, my unemployment ended. I was still on an old claim of mine when I was laid off from my job. So I had to wait for that claim to end before starting a new one. I just filed my new claim today and I’m hoping that it will be accepted. But even if it does, I will not get as much in unemployment as I did before because in my second year of work I didn’t make quite as much as the first year. And your unemployment benefits are based on how much you made.

But with all the good news happening, maybe I won’t need my new unemployment claim! Maybe I’ll get a new job this week! But for now, I’m just excited that tomorrow is going to be a day spent on set and I get to be in the environment that I love!

Fake Inspiration (or I’m Not A Beginner)

I have lots of websites that I read every day. One of those is Jezebel. I think they’ve got some interesting stories and even if I don’t always agree with their opinion, the articles are different from what I read on other sites.

Yesterday on Jezebel, I saw an article about a post that someone had written on Facebook congratulating an overweight person for running. The entire article is here, but I’ll give you a quick summary. Basically, the person was saying that it must be so hard to run when you are carrying double the weight of the average person and how great it is that they aren’t giving up. That was weird to read.

But what got to me was the updated version of the article where someone had written a response. I don’t think the response was written by the actually person that the Facebook post was talking about, but they get the point.

The response is saying that they shouldn’t be congratulating the overweight person for trying. They are a runner, just like anyone else. And that nobody has any idea of the journey that the person has gone through so far and what part of the journey that they are currently on.

I totally get this. I’ve written about something similar that has happened to me at SoulCycle. And I still feel like people look at me there as someone who is new, not someone who has been there for over a year.

I’ve also had similar things happen to me at various 5Ks that I’ve done. I remember when I did the Hard Rock one, there was someone at the finish line who came up to me to say that they thought I was very brave for doing a 5K and being able to finish. When I told them that that was my 7th 5K for the year, they were in shock and didn’t really say anything to me afterwards.

Same thing happened at the Christmas Run. Someone who was walking back as I was trying to cross the finish line stopped to give me a high-five. Normally, that would be awesome. But then they said that I should be so proud that I’m going to be able to say that I’m finally a finisher.

I had said that I was a finisher in 8 other 5Ks in 2013 before that one. And about half a dozen other 5Ks that I’ve done other years.

It’s really annoying. I know that people mean well and think that they are encouraging me, but it’s really condescending. They are obviously judging me by my appearance and thinking that I’m a beginner.

If people just want to congratulate me on finishing or encourage me to keep going, that’s fine. But you don’t have to add something about me doing this for the first time.

Because my wall makes it very clear that I am a 5K racer. No matter what I look like. I am a finisher and there’s no denying that.


Is Giving Up After A Week Ok? (or How I Lost Money Doing My New Job)

The film recruiting job hasn’t been going so great. While I’m making minimum wage, the majority of the income is supposed to come from people attending the screenings that I’m recruiting for. So far, of the 3 screenings I’ve worked, nobody has gone.

That’s tough. I also know that I don’t pass out as many passes as other recruiters do. But that’s because I don’t want to be a pest. I know that for the over 12 years that I’ve lived in LA, I’ve always been annoyed by the film recruiters bothering me when I’m rushing somewhere. There have been recruiters who have bothered me to the point that I think it could be considered harassment (including one recruiter I remember from years ago who put a pass inside my purse after I said “no thank you”).

I don’t want to be that person. And that’s probably the reason I’m not making money on people going to screenings.

I’ve also been told by people at the company that all the screenings I’m recruiting for are really tough ones, even for experienced recruiters. And if I had something easier that I might not feel this way. But then they continue to give me really tough screenings.

Since I haven’t made any money on people going, I’m not making that much at all. And when you add in driving time, driving costs, and parking costs I’m barely breaking even (if you don’t include yesterday, I averaged making $3 for the week). I do get some money for driving, but it doesn’t cover the time it takes me to get there.

I talked to my mom about this this past weekend. I’m really wondering if I should let them know that this 30 day trial showed me that this is not the job for me. I’m not enjoying it. And I don’t expect to love doing whatever I do as a day job, but I shouldn’t be regretting having to do it either.

I had a really great job interview last week where the employer basically told me to not accept any jobs until they got back to me. That is making me very hopefully that they will hire me. If they do, I won’t feel too guilty about giving up on the recruiting job.

If I don’t get a new job, at least I know that I have my NYC trip coming up in just over a week so I won’t have to work then.

I’m not sure what I should do, but at least writing it on here and sharing my thoughts is making me feel a little better.

5K Update (or Why It’s Not A Goal For This Year)

I had a friend ask me recently when my next 5K would be. They had read about all the 5Ks I had done last year and wondered if I was going to set a new 5K goal for 2014.

Before this year started, I had signed up for 2 5Ks. I signed up for the Hollywood Half 5K again because I had a great time at that race last year. I also had signed up for the Bad Prom 5K because it was cheap when you did it super early.

Yesterday, I got an email that the Bad Prom 5K was cancelled, so I’ll be getting a refund for that race. So as of right now, I’m only doing 1 5K. I’m thinking about doing the Hard Rock 5K again (if they have it again), the Universal Studios one for the 4th time, and the Culver City one since it’s in my neighborhood. And I’m thinking about also maybe doing the Christmas one again (but I really hope that it wouldn’t rain again).

If I end up doing all of those, I’ll do 5 this year. I think that’s pretty awesome, but I’m not going to hold myself to that. If I can’t do one, I’m not going to beat myself up over it.

While I do enjoy doing the 5Ks, I’ve realized that they are not my favorite thing. I will always do some of them, but I don’t feel the need to push myself to do more. If there’s a race that I feel passionate about the cause or it sounds super fun, I’ll do it. But I don’t want to force myself to do them anymore.

When I had set my goal for 2013, walking and doing those 5Ks were a majority of the exercise I got. But since I’ve discovered SoulCycle I’ve found that I love doing that workout. So 5Ks have faded a bit into the background for me.

Also, those races are expensive. Each one is about $30-40. I do dream of doing the Disneyland 5K one day, and that one is even more expensive. So I’m choosing to be more selective in order to do that.

As of right now, my first race is about a month away. I haven’t trained for it as much as I did last year, so I’m a little nervous about it. I’m going to get a ton of walking in soon when I go to New York with my sister-in-law. Hopefully that will help. And I’m going to start training for it in my neighborhood as well (somehow, this next race has kind of snuck up on me).

And of course, as soon as I do my races, I’ll post my photos and stories on here! But don’t be surprised if I don’t have as many stories to share this year as I did last year.

Got A Closed Door And An Open Window (or Trying Not To Overthink It)

Yesterday was the callbacks for the Universal Studios tour guide position. I was very grateful to make it to callbacks. I think there were about 500 people who went to the open call, and there were fewer than 100 of us there at the callback.

For the first bit of the callbacks, they went over the training and expectations of this job. We learned about pay and schedules and a little bit of what the job would be like each day. Then we took a break and when we came back, we each had to get up in front of everyone and read a little bit of the script that the tour guides use every day.

The part I read was bit about one of the movies that has been filmed on the lot. It was about 2 sentences and I read it without tripping up over the words or sounding too shaky (I’m not the biggest fan of public speaking in front of a crowd like that).

After everyone read a bit of the script, they made a cut. And I didn’t make it.

I have no idea what I did wrong or why they didn’t like me. When I walked out, a few of the other applicants who had been cut told me that they were shocked that I was cut. I have no idea what they were looking for, but obviously it wasn’t me.

I was trying to not be too upset over not making the next cut while I walked back to my car. It’s hard to not get your hopes up about a job that is designed to work with actor’s schedules. But clearly it wasn’t meant to be for me yesterday.

But when I got back into the car, I noticed that I had an email from one of the many resumes that I had sent out earlier in the week. They wanted me to do a phone interview as soon as possible. I called them back immediately.

And one of the first things they had said to me was that the thing that made me stand out over all the other applicants was the fact that I used to be a tour guide at WB.

So just a few minutes after getting rejected as a Universal Studios tour guide, my past as a WB tour guide got me another job interview (and they want to hire an actor so that’s great!). I have that interview today.

Like I said yesterday, I’m really trying hard to stay positive. I’m getting a lot of interviews, so that’s a good sign. I know I’ll find something soon and I can’t let the rejection get me down. The only thing worrying me is having enough money for bills, but for right now, I’m ok and I should be ok through this month. In April I might have to worry.

But that’s not now and who knows what the near future has for me. And I’ll put it out here again, if anyone out there knows of any actor-friendly day jobs (either in LA or work from home), please let me know! Thanks!

Job Trials and Interviews (or Let’s Hope Something Comes Of All This)

There’s been some movement in the search for a new day job lately.

I still haven’t had any gigs with the on call assistant work, but I did check in with the owner and she said she just hasn’t had anything for me yet. So at least I haven’t been forgotten.

I had my first official shift doing the film recruitment job. It was tough. People don’t want to take flyers from a random person out at a shopping center. I don’t blame then. I always have ignored those people in the past. I also got my numbers back from my training shift. None of the people who took flyers went to the film, so I didn’t make money on that (I still got my hourly, but that’s barely minimum wage).

I’m still in a 30 day trial with them, and I’m glad that after that I can reevaluate if I want to be there. It’s a tough job and I know it’s not for everyone. Right now, I’m not sure if it’s right for me. I’m going to keep trying, but it’s hard.

And this week, I went for an open call for new tour guides at Universal Studios. I feel like I’m a great candidate for that job. Right after college graduation I was a tour guide at Warner Bros. The person at WB who trained me used to be a tour guide at Universal, so a lot of the training methods were the same.

And in 2007, 2008, and 2010 I was part of Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios. I worked at Terror Tram and actually my first year I played a dead tour guide.

I know it’s not the same as being a real tour guide there, but at least I’m familiar with Universal Studios. Everyone I worked with at HHN thinks I’m perfect for the job as well.

And today, I’m going to the callbacks for that job! So I made the first cut! There are still a few more cuts to go, but I’m trying to be optimistic. I know a few actors who are tour guides so at least I know it’s a flexible job.

Besides all that, I’m still spending 2 hours a day applying for jobs online. I know I’ll find something eventually, I just need that eventually to be soon. The only thing I have against me right now is that in 2 weeks I go on my trip to NYC. I know that doesn’t make me the most desirable candidate. But I figured by being up front about it I’m still making a good impression.

Staying positive is tough, but that’s what I have to do right now.

Oscar Party (or Looking “Frozen”)

The Oscars were this past weekend (but I’m sure you all already knew that). This is like the actor’s Super Bowl so of course it was a big deal!

I always go to my friends Marie and Chris‘ house for their party. I’ve been going for almost as long as I’ve lived in LA. And every year it’s a costume party.

I hadn’t felt too inspired with the movies this past year for a costume. The movies I loved had costumes that would be either too complicated to make or would be too simple and I wanted to try to do something a bit more.

After my hair was dyed, I realized that my hair is almost the exact same color as Anna in “Frozen”. Here’s a photo for reference:


I have a maroon sweater that looks like the cape and I wore blue jeans (because I thought I’d be too cold in a skirt). And I went to the beauty supply store and bought white/blonde clip in extensions so I could add the white streak to my hair. I tried to braid it but the extension kept getting lost in my hair, so I went with pigtails. After doing my hair and makeup, this is how I looked.


After getting dressed, I thought I did a pretty good job creating a more modern version of Anna.


Although my costume was tame compared to the hosts (aka cheerleader from “Monsters University” and Rayon from “Dallas Buyers Club”).


The party was awesome (as it always is!). There were great decorations and amazing food.

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There were two different viewing areas to watch the awards show. I chose the quiet room for two reasons. One, I wanted to be able to hear all the speeches and the show. And two, Marie and Chris project the show on their garage wall so it’s a huge screen!


That was Chris celebrating as Jared Leto won for “Dallas Buyers Club”. He looked pretty good in drag and had great legs in heels.

I didn’t do too bad with my guesses for the winners. I got 20 out of 24 correct. But the winners of the guessing contest got 21 right! That’s ok. I’m happy with all the winners and thought that everyone deserved their awards.

After the show was over, everyone headed outside for the costume parade and a group photo.


Before I knew it, it was time for me to head home. I had such a great time at the party. I got to hang out with a ton of awesome friends and I got to see actors who I admire getting their Oscars.

Thanks again to Marie and Chris for being the best hosts ever! I can’t wait for next year!

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